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Why is the public split on their opinions of Julian Assange?

Julian Assange is a name that has become synonymous with controversy in recent years. As the founder of WikiLeaks, Assange has made a name for himself by publishing classified information and exposing government secrets. However, his actions have also made him a divisive figure, with many people in the general public expressing strong negative feelings towards him. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at why Julian Assange is such a polarising figure, and also explore some of the reasons people support him.

Controversial Actions

One of the main reasons why Julian Assange is a controversial figure is his actions. Assange’s publishing of classified information without permission, such as the publication of thousands of classified US military documents in 2010, has angered many people, including government officials and military leaders. Critics of Assange argue that his actions have put national security at risk and have endangered the lives of people mentioned in the documents.

However, supporters of Assange argue that his actions have been in the public interest, and that he has helped to expose government corruption and wrongdoing. They argue that his work has been instrumental in holding powerful organisations and governments accountable, and that his publishing of classified information has been necessary to uncover the truth.

Political Views

Another reason why Julian Assange is a polarising figure is his political views. Assange has been vocal in his opposition to government secrecy and has been a proponent of transparency and accountability. He has also been a vocal critic of the US government and its foreign policies, particularly its actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Assange’s views on politics and governance have earned him the support of many people who share his views. Supporters argue that his work has been vital in exposing government corruption and holding governments accountable. They also argue that his publishing of classified information has been necessary to uncover the truth about government actions, and to promote transparency and accountability.

Legal Issues

Assange’s legal battles have also contributed to his controversial status. His extradition case, which has been ongoing for several years, has been a subject of much debate and has raised questions about the balance between national security and the freedom of the press.

Supporters of Assange argue that he is a journalist who has been targeted by powerful governments for his work in exposing government corruption and wrongdoing. They argue that his extradition to the US would set a dangerous precedent and could have a chilling effect on the freedom of the press.

Time in the Ecuadorian Embassy

Another controversial aspect of Julian Assange’s story is his time spent in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Assange sought asylum in the embassy in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he faced allegations of sexual assault. Assange denied the allegations and claimed that he was being targeted for his work with WikiLeaks.

Assange’s time in the embassy was divisive, with some people arguing that he was a hero for standing up for free speech and others arguing that he was a criminal who was hiding from justice. While supporters praised him for his courage in standing up to powerful governments, critics accused him of using the embassy as a safe haven to avoid prosecution.

Personal Behaviour

Assange’s personal behaviour has also contributed to his polarising status. He has been accused of being abrasive and difficult to work with, and his behaviour has led to strained relationships with some of his former colleagues at WikiLeaks.

Despite these criticisms, many supporters argue that Assange’s personal behaviour is irrelevant to the important work he has done in exposing government secrets and promoting transparency. They argue that his work has been crucial in holding governments accountable and promoting transparency and freedom of information.


Julian Assange is a controversial figure for a variety of reasons. His publishing of classified information without permission, his political views, legal battles, and personal behaviour have all contributed to his polarising status. While his critics argue that his actions have put national security at risk, his supporters argue that his work has been vital in exposing government corruption and wrongdoing. As his legal battles continue, it remains to be seen how history will ultimately judge Julian Assange and his legacy.


"Julian Assange: A timeline of Wikileaks founder's case" (BBC News) - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-20454737

"Julian Assange: Why is the Wikileaks founder a controversial figure?" (Sky News) - https://news.sky.com/story/julian-assange-why-is-the-wikileaks-founder-a-controversial-figure-12391277

"Julian Assange's legal battles: what you need to know" (The Guardian) - https://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/apr/11/julian-assanges-legal-battles-what-you-need-to-know

"Julian Assange Fast Facts" (CNN) - https://www.cnn.com/2013/06/14/world/europe/julian-assange-fast-facts/index.html

"The Strange Case of Julian Assange" (The New Yorker) - https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/01/30/the-strange-case-of-julian-assange

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